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إرسال موضوع جديد   إرسال مساهمة في موضوع

 The rule of the ear and nose piercing for the girl to pet?

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
  المدير العام

دولتي : مصر
النوع : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 1071
السٌّمعَة : 265
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/04/2011

The rule of the ear and nose piercing for the girl to pet?  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The rule of the ear and nose piercing for the girl to pet?    The rule of the ear and nose piercing for the girl to pet?  Emptyالجمعة 18 نوفمبر 2011, 7:55 pm

What is the ruling punching the ear, nose for the girl to pet?

Mufti: Khaled Abdel Moneim Rifai
Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions and followers, and then:
Has signed a disagreement among scientists in the governance of ear piercing: and allowed the Hanafi, Hanbali, which approved the Shaafa'is as in the "needy masterpiece", and Maliki as in "Kharashi," and quoted as evidence that the dam needed innate in women, the makeup, because the pain that happens as a result of hole very light.
Said, "identify facts explain the treasure of minutes" may be a hole girls is not child's ears; because the benefit and Accessories, and he did in his time, peace be upon him to this day without being rebuked. "
He said in al "equity" and hates the boy ear piercing is not going to the correct doctrine.
They quoted as evidence in the correct from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them: a man asked him: saw with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him has become a holiday or a fungus? He said: Yes, but not my place what he witnessed - I mean, from a young age - he said: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and prayed, and speeches, did not mention adhaan or residence, and then came the women and preached and reminded them and ordered them to give charity, Froathen Ehoun to their earrings and necklaces," According to another at them, "They started to hurl, to receive their earrings and necklaces."
Narrated that: Costume ear or ring placed in the ear, and Alskhab: Costume neck and chest.
Ibn al-Qayyim in "is broad in scope" and permissible enough in the science of God and His Messenger, by the people and they recognized him if it was finished, which forbade him to the Quran and Sunnah. "
In an interview with the famous plant or in the correct Aa'ishah said: Eleven women sat Vtaahidn were contracted and not to conceal anything about their husbands. And the .. She XI: My husband Abu Zar, what Abu Zar, people from my ear jewelry .. Aisha said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "I am to you as Abu Zar mother plant."
The Prophet peace be upon him what Abu Zar 'did by filling the ears of Umm Zar ornaments so heavy.
He went to prevention and the son of Ibn al-Aqil, a face of the Shaafa'is; mentioned in the "singer in need," he said, "may not be punching the ears of the earring; because it is useless torture."
Explained that in the revival of al-Ghazali said: "this painful wound positive for the punishment is not permissible, except for the task, and the throat is an important adornment."
The most correct view of what we are permissible; of the texts mentioned above, and the act of the Sahaabah, may Allah about them the time of the Prophet peace be upon him.
The hole in the nose and lips like two opinions is subject also to the scholars:
I: neither the boy nor the girl, is the view of Shafi'i; Ibn Hajar al Allah's mercy in the "needy masterpiece" and appears in breach of the nose ring working the silver or gold that it is haraam at all; because it is not adornment in this inexcusable for it, except when a small band, it does not matter with the general custom other than in the ears, it Accessories for women in every shop.
Second part, the correct view, is permissible if the place is usually Muslim women Baltazan it; compared to the ear piercing, which passed the majority of scholars, combining a need for calling it, a painting, but the condition of resulting damage; for saying peace be upon him: "Do not harm no damage ", and not resembling kaafir women, or had a relationship with ritual and idolatry, as is the case with the Hindus, it may not even amount to shirk in the event of intent approval of the infidels in some rituals and beliefs; Ibn Abidin Allah's mercy from the tap, in his commentary when one says Alhskva: "I have not seen him," ie movable in the doctrine, he said - that Ibn Abidin - is that which was decorated by the women, as in some countries, it is a hole where Alaqrat.
Said Mark'Uthaymeen Allah's mercy in the "Total Fataawa Ibn 'Uthaymeen: The hole in the nose, I do not remember that the scholars said anything, but it is a kind of mutilation and deforming of as we see, and perhaps others do not see it, if the women in the country nose is where the decorations and handsome there is nothing wrong with piercing the nose ornament to hang him, and God knows best.

Quoting Refer site.
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The rule of the ear and nose piercing for the girl to pet?
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